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Making Yoga Accessible to Seniors

February 10th, 2022

How to Boost Benefits and Reduce Risks for Older Adults By Carol Krucoff, C-IAYT, E-RYT In recent years, there's been a growing interest in making yoga accessible to everybody—thanks, in large part, to the work of Jivana Heyman, director of the Accessible Yoga Association, whose mission statement proclaims that "all ...

Improve Core Strength and Posture with Chair Pilates

November 4th, 2021

By: Duke Lifestyle & Weight Management Team Pilates, a form of exercise and body conditioning that focuses more on muscle tone than building muscle mass, is a great way to strengthen your core. Pilates specifically focuses on isolating and relaxing muscle groups, strengthening them with control and breath. Get the benefits of a Pilates session without any complicated gear with ...

Mind-Body Techniques: Chair Yoga – Part Two

September 6th, 2017

By Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH Last week we posted six chair yoga poses that you could perform to break up sedentary behavior during your day at work. Now, we would like to share six more poses that you could incorporate into a daily routine. These short exercises provide you with an opportunity to take a mental break, stretch your ...

Mind-Body Techniques: Chair Yoga – Part One

August 30th, 2017

By Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH In January, we shared a blog post on how "Sitting is the New Smoking." As a continuation of that piece, we are presenting a two-part  series that highlights chair yoga and how it can be incorporated into your day to break up sedentary behavior. Becoming more active at work and incorporating a few short ...

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