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How One Woman Ditched Diet Coke and Found a Diet that Worked for Her

September 16th, 2019

Mary Ellen Miller*, resident of Durham, NC was experiencing digestive issues and low energy. She was concerned that her diet and habit of drinking several Diet Cokes a day were contributing to her health concerns. Unsure of what to do or where to start, she sought care at Duke Integrative Medicine. Mary Ellen saw Integrative Dietitian/Nutritionist Jill Brown, MS, RDN, ...

Keeping Older Yoga Students Safe

September 16th, 2019

Janet Rae Humphrey C-IAYT, E-RYT, C-YFHA, C-IYFS is a yoga teacher from Scottsdale, Arizona who primarily teaches older adults. Janet first walked into a yoga class at the age of 58 after a lifetime of medical issues, including a lumbar fusion, six knee surgeries, fibromyalgia, and three neurosurgeries, followed by life-threatening infections, severe pain, muscular weakness, and scoliosis. Through her ...

How the Wisdom in the Wizard of Oz Can Bring Clarity to Your Life

September 5th, 2019

By Peter Guzzardi The film The Wizard of Oz just celebrated its 80th anniversary in August. It’s the most-watched film of all time – and not just because of the phenomenal writing, acting, singing, dancing, set design, and costuming. As we see Dorothy go on a hero’s journey, we learn a lot by watching her travel the Yellow Brick Road, ...

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