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Savor Your Food With Mindful Eating

June 24th, 2021

By Duke Health & Well-Being Programs Team How many of us have had the experience of eating an entire bag of chips or a pint of ice cream without even realizing it? When this happens, most (if not all) of us notice and appreciate the full taste of our first few bites but can hardly remember the rest. Mindless eating can ...

Extending Kindness and Compassion to Ourselves and Others

June 14th, 2021

By Duke Health & Well-Being Programs Team The positive experiences of social connection, caring relationships, and community are linked to happiness, resiliency, and well-being. We find ourselves in situations where we cannot affect a change or make a difference in our own or someone else’s life. The ancient practice of loving-kindness meditation (also known as “metta” meditation) focuses on developing ...

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