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Visualization: Unleashing the Power of this Mind-Body Technique

May 30th, 2023

By Duke Health & Well-Being Team In mind-body techniques, visualization is a powerful tool for achieving personal growth, wellness, and self-transformation. Visualization empowers individuals to tap into their imagination and manifest their desires by harnessing the innate connection between the mind and body. This blog post explores the transformative potential of visualization as a mind-body technique.

Why is now the time to become a Health Coach?

May 15th, 2023

As the world continues to evolve and health becomes an increasingly important aspect of our lives, there has never been a better time to become a health coach. With the rise of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, people are seeking guidance on how to lead healthier lifestyles. As a result, health coaches have emerged as an ...

The Benefits of Eating Seasonally

May 12th, 2023

Eating seasonally grown foods offers many benefits that promote our health, support local economies, and contribute to environmental sustainability. In addition, when eating with the seasons, we can enjoy various advantages by aligning our diets with natural production cycles. According to Kenlyn Young, LDN, MS, RD at Duke Integrative Medicine, "Eating in season means eating fresh produce ...

Discover the Power of Mindful Awareness: Tips for Incorporating It into Your Daily Life

May 5th, 2023

Mindful awareness has become popular recently due to its benefits for the mind and body. This practice involves intentionally paying attention to the present moment without judgment, leading to greater self-awareness and overall well-being. Based on ancient Buddhist teachings, mindful awareness builds on the principles of mindfulness. This involves focusing on the present ...

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