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How to Leverage Social Media as a Health Coach? 2019 Trends

May 20th, 2019

By Sonja Likness What should you be looking out for in social media for 2019? Sonja Likness, Director of social media and content strategy for Duke University who be leading our upcoming Social Media Presence and Marketing for Coaches course shares her thoughts on trends coming up.   Video


How Mindful Yoga Can Ease a Cancer Journey

May 16th, 2019

By Kimberly Carson, MPH, C-IAYT Mindful Yoga is a well-defined program that focuses strongly on cultivating a mindful perspective during asana practice, in conjunction with substantial time engaged in the practice of meditation (dhyana), breathing exercises (pranayama), self-study (swadhyaya), and practitioner meetings and interchange (satsanga). This program is “evidence-based” in that it has been studied in a series ...

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