By: Riitta H Rutanen Whaley, Mindfulness Instructor, Duke Integrative Medicine Author: Pausing Mindfully The deepest lessons in life, as well as the greatest opportunities for change, often arrive during difficult circumstances. Up until now, we as a species have for the most part managed to avoid sensing the deep undercurrent of worry, fear, fragility, and the need for self-love and ...
By Mary Brantley, MBSR Instructor, Duke Integrative Medicine
There is a constant dialog in the mind about Covid-19. Many of us are living an entirely different life. One that we could not have imagined a few weeks ago. As things keep changing we may have moments of real despair.
When our fearful emotions ...
By Deborah Ballard, MD, MPH, Duke Integrative Medicine When it became known that one of the early signs of infection with Covid-19 was the loss of smell or anosmia, I, (and I suspect many others), deepened my awareness of this somewhat unappreciated sense. I enjoyed as never before the smells of my soap and shampoo in the morning shower, of ...
By Duke Health & Well-Being Staff Sleep is one of the four pillars of a stable mood. It’s almost impossible to feel well when we are not sleeping well. Many factors impact our sleep, both emotional and material. When you are struggling with sleep, a good starting place is addressing the aspects of sleep hygiene that are within your control. ...
Acupuncturist Janet Shaffer and Massage Therapist Kim Turk will be applying ear seeds to all Duke employees. What are ear seeds? Ears seeds are used as very small acupressure devices, taped into place at useful locations in our ears. They stay in for 3 - 5 days. Why are we doing this? This is about your comfort, relaxation and awesomeness. The 5-point ...
By: Duke Health & Well-Being Nutrition Team Coming up with different and nutritious food preparation styles that appeal to our household can be stressful. To help simplify the planning process, we highlight seven ways to use a few common and accessible staple foods that you may already have in your kitchen. The Seven Ways: These guides include ways foods can be used ...
By Deborah Ballard, MD, MPH. Duke Integrative Medicine. One of the most sobering realizations of the modern era is that no matter how many technologically sophisticated drugs and medical devices we humans develop, we are still at the mercy of germs. Germs, or microbes, those microscopic beasties that coexist alongside and inside of us, sometimes, like Covid-19, manage to ...