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Integrative Health Coaching: An Art and a Science

July 26th, 2017

By Janet Stolp, RN, Duke Certified Integrative Health Coach Last month I was asked to give a talk on health coaching to the Duke – Johnson & Johnson Nurse Leadership Program. As I spent hours and hours crafting my talk and slides, I found it to be entirely too long. I started to question myself. “Janet, what is it you want ...

Summer’s Fresh Bounty Makes for Quick and Easy Meals

July 19th, 2017

Once we have settled into our mid-summer routines, it is common to lose touch with our good intentions to lighten up and eat well. With the abundance of activities, family gatherings, and social outings, we can easily be tempted to pick up quick meals that are missing healthy, supportive nutrients. Summer offers a wide array of colorful and nutritious fruits ...

How Debbie Got Her Groove Back: A Health Coach’s Journey

July 12th, 2017

By Deborah Lee, PhD, RN I thought I was just going to learn coaching skills and process: I found that, and I also found myself. My Midlife Opportunity Do you ever ask yourself, “I know what I should be doing, but why can’t I just do it?”  Me too!  Imagine being a nurse for over 30 years, knowing you ...

Awareness of Sound Exercise

July 5th, 2017

Description of Sound Awareness Sound awareness connects us to the present moment while also cultivating our awareness of the various sounds that repeatedly arise around us. Rather than trying to ignore them, we intentionally pay attention to the sounds surrounding and coming through us. Doing so can help keep us present and stabilize the mind, refine our sense of hearing and strengthen ...

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