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Mind-Body Techniques: Chair Yoga – Part One

August 30, 2017

By Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH

In January, we shared a blog post on how “Sitting is the New Smoking.” As a continuation of that piece, we are presenting a two-part  series that highlights chair yoga and how it can be incorporated into your day to break up sedentary behavior. Becoming more active at work and incorporating a few short exercises at your desk can help to increase your energy level, mental focus and muscle flexibility. The added benefits of improved mood, mindfulness and resiliency that come with chair yoga (and most forms of movement) also serve to support your ability to handle daily stress in a healthy way.


Begin by performing this series of poses 3-4 times during your day. If possible, gradually increase the frequency until you are incorporating some stretching every hour. Begin each pose by taking a deep breath in, moving into the stretch as you breathe out, and then holding the stretch at your comfort level for 10-60 seconds.

Are you interested in learning additional mind-body techniques?

Join us at Duke Integrative Medicine for a two-day experiential course called “Cultivating Resiliency: Harnessing Your Body’s Adaptive Response to Stress,”  which focuses on mind-body techniques to promote health and well-being, as well as setting health resiliency goals and action steps. Click here to learn more about Cultivating Resiliency: Harnessing Your Body’s Adaptive Response to Stress.


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