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Mindful Methods to Curb Holiday Over Indulgence

November 21st, 2018

Tis' the season for holiday events! There are lights, laughter, music, and the clinking of dishware and utensils. Let us not forget the aromas of savory and sweet favorites like stuffed turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, casseroles, cakes, cookies, and pies! The joy we experience celebrating with friends, family, and coworkers is often followed by the agony of feeling stuffed to the ...

The Mountains Make Me Mindful

October 17th, 2018

By Gretchen Hofing It’s October. Fall is here, and the mountains are calling. I headed out for a weekend of hiking and fall colors in Western North Carolina the first weekend in October. September had been very busy, and I was really looking forward to this short get-away and escape from the every day. I had high hopes the colors would ...

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