When you become more aware, you can simply observe your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without the need to react to them. Mindful awareness can help you see patterns in your behavior and figure out how to break unhealthy habits and form new ones by choice. As you practice becoming more mindful, you may find it is easier to feel stress without reacting in a harmful way. Studies have shown that people who trained in mindful awareness have an easier time understanding and coping with stressful situations such as:
Click on the following link to download a transcript of this recording: 10 Minute Mindfulness – Transcript.
Have you ever wondered how new habits are created and what makes them stick? The process of forming a habit involves both psychological and neurological factors. Habits are automatic behaviors that arise through repetition. According to the "habit loop," a concept popularized by Charles Duhigg in The Power of Habit, ...
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READ MORECongratulations to Duke Health & Fitness Center on its Facility Certification by the Medical Fitness Association, the country’s leading organization dedicated solely to medically integrated wellness and fitness facilities. This certification represents a significant commitment from the Duke Health & Fitness Center to offer the highest standards ...