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Are you leaving your dreams to chance?

October 3rd, 2018

By Aili Kuutan A friend asked me what I was up to the other day. My response: “I think I might do some editing on my online meditation course.” It seemed like a productive use of my time. I felt like I had good intentions, at least until she pointed out that I always use the words, “I think I might…” ...

What’s holding you back?

September 12th, 2018

By Aili Kuutan Do you ever get in your own way? I suspect many of us do. In fact, I have yet to meet a person who, if they’re being honest, doesn’t do this in some way at some point in their lives. As a human being, I find it fascinating to notice this kind of behaviour. As a coach, I ...

How are you sabotaging yourself?

August 22nd, 2018

By Aili Kuutan Have you ever heard of the concept of underlying commitments? The concept’s come up for me a couple times lately, so last week I decided to explore it for myself. In a nutshell, underlying commitments are the things we’re truly committed to, which we may not be aware of and may not be in alignment with our stated goals. For ...

Four Keys to Building Stress Hardiness and Resilience

July 11th, 2018

Chronic stress underlies more than 50% of physician visits and is a factor in most, if not all, chronic diseases. It’s a part of our everyday lives. So what do we do about it? Key Number One:  Get Up and Move! Movement and exercise are among the most researched and effective stress reduction strategies. ...

How to Do Social Media Even if You Don’t Have Time to Play Around on the Internet All Day

January 24th, 2018

By Sonja Likness Some of us are lucky to have jobs where we get paid to be on the Internet, tweeting, or watching YouTube videos the whole day. I am one such person, but I recognize the vast majority of people are not. If you’re looking for ways to optimize and reduce your time spent on social media, ...

Self-Care: Developing Your Purpose

October 4th, 2017

By Rachel Kuliani, MPH, CHES When we think about our health and wellbeing, we do not always consider the impact of Personal and Professional Development. Duke Integrative Medicine’s Wheel of Health includes this as an integral part of our overall health, on par with other areas ...

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