Tongue scraping, a method of cleaning the tongue's surface using a scraper or brush, is gaining popularity due to its potential health benefits. This practice, rooted in Ayurvedic traditions, can be part of your oral hygiene routine, as it removes bacteria, dead cells, and food debris from the tongue. Tune scraping could contribute to a cleaner mouth and fresher breath ...
Acupuncturist Janet Shaffer and Massage Therapist Kim Turk will be applying ear seeds to all Duke employees. What are ear seeds? Ears seeds are used as very small acupressure devices, taped into place at useful locations in our ears. They stay in for 3 - 5 days. Why are we doing this? This is about your comfort, relaxation and awesomeness. The 5-point ...
Meet Niki Juralewicz, an acupuncture provider at Duke Integrative Medicine. Niki uses a wide variety of techniques and styles to create custom treatment plans. These include acupuncture, classical cupping and gua sha, which promotes circulation, to inspire healing. She spends a lot of time with clients to get to the root cause of an individual's health concerns. Her ultimate goal is ...
Lisa R. Calkins from Clayton, North Carolina suffered from chronic migraines until she began acupuncture at Duke Integrative Medicine. The treatment was life-changing for Lisa and she is now migraine-free after almost 40 years of pain. Hear more about Lisa’s story and discover if acupuncture could be a good fit for your health concerns. *This post was updated on 6/14/21 Tell ...
By Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH We often write about ways to support ourselves through stress on the blog. The truth is, we all encounter stress – it’s our body’s natural response to meet life’s challenges. So frequent reminders on how you can adapt to stress can’t hurt. In this post, we have you consider one or two (or more) ...