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Establish and Strengthen Your Well-Being Practice in the New Year

December 21, 2021

Throughout the last year, we shared several practices to activate the relaxation response and strengthen your resiliency: three deep breaths; the body scan, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR); mindful walking, reflective writing/journaling; mindful eating, loving-kindness meditation, three good things, and guided imagery.

Use these questions or download this guide DHW Wellbeing Toolbox Guide, to establish or strengthen your well-being practice in the new year.

1. Which well-being tools will you choose to practice over the next 3 months?

2. When will you practice?

3. How will you keep your motivation strong?

4. What barriers to practice might arise, and what strategies will you use to overcome them?

5. What are your backup strategies?

6. What difference do you think this practice will make in your everyday life, personally and professionally?

7. What difference do you think this practice will make 3 years from now as you continue to have it as part of your life?

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