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Awareness of Breath Exercise

June 7, 2017

By Linda Smith, PA, MS

Description of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment on purpose with an attitude of kindness and non-judgmental awareness.  As we pay attention in this way, we increase our ability to notice all that is happening within us and around us.  The very practice of noticing, gives us the opportunity to choose our response rather than to automatically, and often unconsciously react.

Impact and Support

Research has shown that the practice of mindfulness has beneficial effects on physical and mental health, on health behavior choices such as substance use, eating and sleeping as well as on healthy, adaptive responses to difficult emotions and stressful life situations.

Practice Considerations

Mindfulness can be practiced both formally and informally by increasing our attention to everyday activities. In formal practices, one sets aside a designated consistent time each day for mindfulness practice. An example would be setting aside 10 minutes at the start of each day for practice. Informal practices are those where one chooses to engage in the practice during routine tasks and experiences of the day.

Click on the following link to download a transcript of this recording: Awareness of Breath Transcript.


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