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Mind-Body Techniques: Chair Yoga – Part Two

September 6, 2017

By Jocelyn Weiss, PhD, MPH

Last week we posted six chair yoga poses that you could perform to break up sedentary behavior during your day at work. Now, we would like to share six more poses that you could incorporate into a daily routine. These short exercises provide you with an opportunity to take a mental break, stretch your muscles, and relax your body.


Begin by performing this series of poses 3-4 times during your day. If possible, gradually increase the frequency until you are incorporating some stretching every hour. Begin each pose by taking a deep breath in, moving into the stretch as you breathe out, and then holding the stretch at your comfort level for 10-60 seconds.

Are you interested in learning yoga techniques for stress relief?

Duke Integrative Medicine offers a 3-hour workshop called 60-Second Stress Relief. By integrating quick, simple practices into your day, you can create transformative moments of relaxation and rejuvenation. These easy “sparks” of yoga are widely accessible, regardless of age or fitness level, and no previous yoga experience is required. Join experienced instructor Carol Krucoff to learn “Yoga Sparks,” a series of micropractices designed to help you find comfort, peace, and joy in your body, mind, and spirit. Click here to learn more about 60-Second Stress Relief.


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